Six Possiblities, choose from
Cooking courses
- 8 weeks
- 15H of hands-on cooking classes per week
- 120H of classes
- courses taught in English
- certificate in cooking
Pastry Courses
- 8 weeks
- 15H of hands-on pastry classes per week
- 120H of classes
- courses taught in English
- certificate in pastry
French lessons
- 8 weeks
- 15H of French lessons per week
- 120H of lessons
- certificate in French lessons
Cooking courses and French lessons
- 8 weeks
- 15H of hands-on cooking classes per week
- 15H of French lessons per week
- 240H of classes
- courses taught in English
- certificates in cooking and French language
Pastry courses and French lessons
- 8 weeks
- 15H of hands-on pastry pastry per week
- 15H of French lessons per week
- 240H of classes
- courses taught in English
- certificates in pastry and french language
Cooking & Pastry Courses
- 8 weeks
- 15H of hands-on cooking classes per week
- 15H of hands-on pastry classes per week
- 240H of classes
- courses taught in English
- certificates in cooking and pastry
Cod fish, pink radish with shiso, Frégola sarda and crunchy onion
Royal Chocolate
The cooking module includes:
1st week: cold starters
2nd week: hot starters
3rd week: fish and sauces
4th week: meat and sauces
The monthly timetable will be repeated with new recipes and an increase level of difficulty
The pastry module includes:
1st week: bakery and viennoiserie
2nd week: cakes and entremets
3rd week: plated desserts
4th week: chocolate
The monthly timetable will be repeated with new recipes and an increase level of difficulty
Additional Information

Practical classes
Demonstration of the Chef followed by carrying out the recipe from A to Z by the student himself with the teacher's advice

Go sightseeing
All weekends are free. Depending of the session, you will have a 1 week break during which you can visit France or stay in the lodging

Beautiful Residence near the beach, 10mn from the school by bus (everything is organized) for a very reasonable price