We offer the option of an internship following the completion of your course(s) at Gastronomicom, an exceptional opportunity which will enable you to improve your skills in cooking and pastry.
The school takes great care to identify the best fine dining establishment for you, where you will also be provided with lodging, board and a monthly stipend. You’ll experience the rhythm of a high-end restaurant and discover what it means to work as a gastronomic chef.

Gastronomicom is the only culinary academy to offer an internship for students (in cooking or pastry) in restaurants selected in the French Michelin Guide.

Our Programs including an Internship

The 7-month program

3 months’ courses and 4 month internship

The 1 year program

6 months’ courses and 6 month internship

Before participating in an internship you much complete some courses. The preceding courses are compulsory by French law, but they are also in your interest so we can determinate your level of experience to help to choose the right establishment for you..

A boost for your culinary career

Thanks to over 15 years of experience and our excellent reputation, we are able to exclusively collaborate with fine dining restaurants in France. These include restaurants such as Relais-Chateaux and other prestigious establishments referenced in the French Michelin Guide.
Each student’s placement will be decided upon by the teachers and the administrative team. The school will consider the student’s technical abilities, level of French, motivation and general behavior when placing students.

stage restaurant gastronomique

During the internship, students will receive a monthly stipend of around 550€ and be provided with lodging and board.
The internship is a formative and extremely helpful experience for students upon concluding their training and enables students to appreciate the realities of a professional culinary career.

A prestigious internship is a wonderful addition to your resume or C.V.

We have created a website which provides all the necessary information relating to the internship, which can be found by clicking HERE. Information about restaurants placements can be found by clicking HERE.