The Mayor of Agde, M. D’Ettore together with Martine Lessault, Director of Gastronomicom, launched the Opening of Christine Morazin’s Art Exhibition at Odalys’ Residence St Loup’s Restaurant. For this special occasion, Gastronomicom’s students prepared an amazing cocktail never seen before in the Hérault Region. Furthermore, members of the Nîmes’s Enfance et Partage Charity were invited since a draw with various lots was organized in order to show support to this particular charity. Lots were attributed under the sponsorship of Winemakers present at the Cocktail, Odalys, Gastronomicom and Mrs Christine Morazin who all had generously decided to support the Event.
Mrs Lessault “opened the ball” and introduced Gastronomicom to the numerous guests, its philosophy, evolution since the opening of the Academy 6 years ago and listed the more than 40 nationalities that went through its various programs. She then spoke about Christine Morazin’s work, a mix of photography and painting, bathing in the Abstract Current, although Mrs Morazin created some special paintings for the occasion taking her inspiration in the Gastronomic World. Culinary and Pictural Arts met. Finally, Mrs Lessault reminded the importance of Enfance et Partage’s work for mistreated children, and pointed out that the charity was very special to her heart.
It was then Mr D’Ettore, Mayor of Agde’s turn to speak and he warmly congratulated and thanked Mrs Lessault for her achievement and efforts to, thanks to her International Culinary Academy, promote Agde- Le Cap d’Agde, internationaly. His appreciation extended to the insurance of the Mayor’s Office support to Gastronomicom’s future development.