I come to Gastronomicom to improve my cooking and baking skills

anais drouhait

« My name is Anaïs and I’m a 28 years old business owner based In Denmark. I have a private dining/catering company called Anaïs Dining and 2 restaurants in Farum, a small city near Copenhagen.

I chose to come to Gastronomicom to improve my cooking and baking skills.

I love French cuisine as much as my customers do and I have been looking for a school in France.

Gastronomicom is a great choice for experienced chefs like me, the gastronomic level is quite high and you can be sure to work with many different ingredients and techniques at this school.

I learned many great recipes that I will take with me to make my customers happy.”
Anaïs Dining – Private Chef
▶️ https://anaiskulturcafe.dk/
▶️ https://anaisidraetscafe.dk/
▶️ https://anaisdining.dk/