“Auguste Escoffier once said “Having realized that in cooking there was a vast field of study and development, I said to myself, ‘Although I had not originally intended to enter this profession, since I am in it, I will work in such a fashion that I will rise above the ordinary, and I will do my best to raise again the prestige of the chef de cuisine’.” The decision to come to France was a leap of faith for me but I never look back ever since. There’s a vast field of study and development just as I expected prior enrolling to the courses at Gastronomicom cooking school in France.
I would like to humbly thank the entire team of Gastronomicom for having me as one of the students. On the first day I stepped in the classes, I knew I have made the right decision and chosen the right place to learn French language and French cuisine with one star Michelin level. Equipped with dynamic, passionate and talented professionals, it is situated in a small but beautiful, picturesque village in Le Cap d’Agde, South of France. Famous with its terroir products, natural resources and ingredients makes the journey even more captivating.
Efficiency concentrated, the classes are designed in small groups per classes. It feels like learning literature and arts at the same time all over again except that it’s in one subject, French. My French dictionary is very limited like omelette, baguette, bonjour and merci when I first came but after 2 months in intense classroom sessions I improved so much that I am able to ask a cashier(in French) for a baguette 😀. It is unique and engaging how the classroom programme is mixes with language games and history of France entirely in French.
While in cuisine classes, the sessions are focuses on techniques with the cooking level shifts up by monthly. Coming from a professional culinary background, it gave me new breathe in kitchen learning the culture of France Sud, moreover the dishes we learnt are in 1 star Michelin level. It’s fascinating how our cuisine professor shows new techniques almost in every single classes from mostly modern to classic French cuisine. Not only we get to learn France regional specialties, but also learning to use local produces to make dishes and plating. Discovering the beauty in the terroir of South France is such an incredible experience.
Like what Alain Ducasse said “For me, going to markets is the best way to understand the soul of a place.” The best way to learn a new language and a new cuisine is by immersing in the culture itself. That’s what I did. Learning French language and cuisine, you can’t just know it. You need to be in it – if that sounds like your dream then this place is for you.
Coming from a place where good European ingredients like olive oil and wines can be expensive, it’s joyful finding them in affordable prices with its originality here. That makes me believe once again the grass is greener on the other side.
Time flies fast here as we are always occupied either with our own activities exploring the place or just busy travelling. 3 months is almost ended and we will be heading to our internships next which I look forward to. Some of us will be in stars hotel like Relais & Châteaux and others will be in Michelin restaurants. Shoot for the moon and even if you miss, you will land among the stars.” Gary Gory Ekar
Thank you Gary! 👨🍳👍